About the show
Each week on The Moment, I speak with a different guest about an individual moment in an episode of Doctor Who that means a lot to them: something that really had in impact on them, or that they had a strong reaction to, or that they think a lot about for whatever reason.
Programming Note
August 14th, 2023 | Season 4 | 3 mins 22 secs
A brief announcement. Unfortunately, season 4 of The Moment is going to have to wait a little longer.
REBROADCAST - But what do I do every day, mum?
June 7th, 2023 | Season 4 | 28 mins 29 secs
Deb Stanish considers a moment of class tension and personal resonance with Rose Tyler from from 2005's The Parting of the Ways.
REBROADCAST - When you're alone, silence is all you know.
May 31st, 2023 | Season 4 | 29 mins 52 secs
Talcott Starr shares a moment of loss and love with Kazran and Abigail from from 2010's A Christmas Carol
May 24th, 2023 | Season 4 | 24 mins 36 secs
This week we're rebroadcasting an episode of The Moment from 2019, when we discussed a moment from The Pyramids of Mars with Houman Sadri.
3.06 - Let me take it from the top. Hello, I'm the Doctor.
March 22nd, 2021 | Season 3 | 28 mins 42 secs
delia gallegos, fugitive doctor, fugitive of the judoon, series twelve, thirteenth doctor
Delia Gallegos shares a moment of thrilling surprise with Jo Martin as the Doctor from 2020's Fugitive of the Judoon.
3.05 - We're all stories in the end.
February 24th, 2021 | Season 3 | 27 mins 26 secs
adrienne enderle, eleventh doctor, series five, the big bang
Adrienne Enderle tells a story about the Eleventh Doctor from 2010's The Big Bang.
3.04 - I'm just having fun!
February 4th, 2021 | Season 3 | 28 mins 6 secs
nightmare of eden, paul cornell, season 17, tenth doctor
Doctor Who writer Paul Cornell shares a moment of wit with the Fourth Doctor from 1979's Nightmare of Eden.
3.03 - Like it's meant to be flown!
January 21st, 2021 | Season 3 | 27 mins 49 secs
journey's end, sanjay lago, series four, tenth doctor
Sanjay Lago shares a moment of togetherness with the Tenth Doctor and his many companions from from 2008's Journey's End.
3.02 - Be a Doctor.
January 13th, 2021 | Season 3 | 25 mins 58 secs
eleventh doctor, merlin mann, series seven, tenth doctor, the day of the doctor, war doctor
Merlin Mann shares a moment with the Tenth Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor, the War Doctor, and Clara Oswald from 2013's Day of the Doctor.
3.01 - You know, I really think you might.
January 6th, 2021 | Season 3 | 30 mins 53 secs
eleventh doctor, fourth doctor, series seven, shannon dohar, the curator, the day of the doctor
Shannon Dohar shares a thoughtfully curated moment with the Eleventh Doctor and the Curator from 2013's Day of the Doctor.
Season 3 Trailer
December 21st, 2020 | Season 3 | 3 mins 42 secs
Each week on The Moment, I speak with a different guest about an individual moment in an episode of Doctor Who that means a lot to them. Season 3 premieres January 6th, 2021.
2.13 - As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.
February 10th, 2020 | Season 2 | 29 mins 24 secs
first doctor, graeme burk, ninth doctor, season 1, series one, the edge of destruction, the end of the world
Graeme Burk shares two parallel moments: one with the First Doctor and Barbara from 1964's The Edge of Destruction, and one with the Ninth Doctor and Rose from 2005's The End of the World.
2.12 - I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe.
December 16th, 2019 | Season 2 | 27 mins 53 secs
mikayla micomonaco, series eleven, the woman who fell to earth, thirteenth doctor
Mikayla Micomonaco shares a refreshing moment with the Thirteenth Doctor from 2018's The Woman Who Fell to Earth.
2.11 - I didn't kick you out. I gave you up.
October 25th, 2019 | Season 2 | 31 mins 40 secs
asylum of the daleks, eleventh doctor, erika ensign, series seven
Erika Ensign shares a moment of tension with Amy Pond and Rory Williams from 2012's Asylum of the Daleks.
2.10 - How long is a night on Darillium?
October 4th, 2019 | Season 2 | 29 mins 4 secs
moisés chiullan, series ten, the husbands of river song, twelfth doctor
Moisés Chiullán shares a moment of romance with the Twelfth Doctor and River Song from 2015's The Husbands of River Song.
2.09 - Run!
September 18th, 2019 | Season 2 | 29 mins 52 secs
kathleen schowalter, ninth doctor, rose, series one
Kathleen Schowalter shares a moment of urgency with the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler from 2005's Rose.